The New Nuclear

The ‘modern family’ in America continues to evolve, introducing new viewpoints and storytelling opportunities. Yet at the same time, the traditional notion of ‘family togetherness’ around TV has remained constant.

TV brings families together in new ways


The most important branch of family life is Downtime, which includes relaxing and TV time

Modern is the new traditional

agree families in America today look nothing like they did a generation ago
describe their family life as “traditional”

TV brings families together in new ways


The most important branch of family life is Downtime, which includes relaxing and TV time

Modern is the new traditional

agree families in America today look nothing like they did a generation ago
describe their family life as “traditional”

Families are craving good, old-fashioned fun

We love the traditional holidays and our made-up ones. In October we all watch [a cartoon series]. We enjoy it so much that it allows us to decorate the house, cook a themed dinner, and have more quality time. It’s our own, crazy endeavor that will one day be given to the next generation from our self-made chosen family.

– Casey, 25, Jacksonville, FL

Source: Culture Co-op and Disney Advertising, April 2023

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